Our Approach

Our Approach

We believe in supporting our clients to empower choices and to do this we created the AGE process below. Managing money is the simple part, understanding what this means for you now and into the future is at the heart of our approach.

We have three phases (known as A.G.E) that we take our clients through; the first is AWARENESS, the second is the GATEWAY and the third is EMPOWERMENT. The process repeats so that we can ensure we help keep everything aligned to the journey of life.

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It’s safe to say the tide has definitely turned from advisors being gatekeepers of information to ushering you through your own gateway to the life that you design. In the past, people sought out personal financial experts because they had access to information that was not available to the general public.

When the system worked correctly, advisors were better at managing and investing your money than you could be because they constantly had their fingers on the pulse of the financial sector and access to information you couldn’t get on your own. This scenario put financial planners in the position of being gatekeepers. But these walls have come down. By developing the systems and tactics to help you step more fully into being the hero of your own financial journey, you are really accessing the power within. Perhaps another person can assist you in tapping into that inner superpower, but ultimately this is about you figuring out how to flip the switch in your own mind and learning how to identify as a person who is good with money. 




Information and knowing what to do with your money just isn’t enough. Information has to be put in the context of one’s life to be meaningful.

The informal formula in my mind is always 


and that guides all the advice I have even given to clients in real life.

Big ideas and forward looking solutions don’t come from information alone. We humans seek inspiration which speaks to how we filter knowledge and apply it to our lives in service of a bigger purpose. This may seem like a rather philosophical thing to ponder about money. And, it is. The undercurrent of your life’s actions will line up according to your values and purpose when supported by high quality information and knowledge your decisions will be wise. 


A.G.E. is an acronym that stands for:

Awareness, Gateway and Empowerment


This refers to both the era we are living in, and a process that takes us from awareness to empowered wealth by way of being our own gateway to access the motivation and wisdom that is within. Knowing our moneyself is the most important thing there is to know about money and advisors have become the facilitators of this process.

More than safety and security we all want to get to the place where we have (financial) choices. It’s a destination we imagine reaching and a responsibility that we choose. As we live into it, we begin to understand that there are countless micro-choices to make on the journey. We may feel overwhelmed along the way if we have too many choices to decide on or become misguided with too few options to choose from. 

The core of this process is holding space for you to figure out how to make the financial decisions you want to make.


Our Purpose: To Empower Choice

To arrange an individual consultation with Michelle regarding wealth advisory, please contact her here:

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