SERVICES — Michelle Arpin Begina
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Our Approach

What does financial freedom mean to you?

We all have different markers for what a life of financial confidence and choice looks like.

Maybe it means:

  • investing with confidence

  • being unapologetic in negotiating your fees or salary

  • feeling secure about your retirement savings.

Whatever yours are, there are two things I can tell you: How to get there, and how not to get there.

You won’t get there with another set of calculations, or the perfect investment strategy, or the most disciplined spending habits. If they were all we needed, we’d all be living the life of our dreams right now.

But you can get there by digging deeper than the numbers, understanding your moneyself, and learning what drives you when it comes to your relationship with money.

Here are the ways we can work together to make this happen:

1:1 Coaching

1:1 Coaching

Discovering your own deeply held money beliefs and learning how to transcend them is a journey of self-discovery. 

Throughout our 1:1 coaching journey, I hold space for you. I guide and suggest and clarify. Instead of telling you what to think, I ask questions that lead you to discover your own thoughts. I point out possible correlations so you can more easily connect the dots between money memories and stories from your past and their influence on the way you think and act with your money in your present.

1:1 coaching is not a quick fix. It’s a deep dive into what makes your money relationship tick, and an opportunity to create lasting results for yourself and those whose lives you impact.


Good With Money Workshop

Good With Money Workshop

As a successful professional, the answer to closing the gap between how you feel about your money now and the security, confidence, and freedom you’d like to feel isn’t another program telling you how to invest your wealth. Good With Money is a five-week workshop where the investment is in you, and the result is actionable insight you can use to transform your relationship with money.


Our Purpose: To Empower Choice

To arrange a free discovery call, please click here: