Empowered. Bold. Confident.
Your family, friends, and colleagues see you as Empowered. Bold. Confident.
It’s how you see yourself too except in one area: MONEY!
Nearly every high performer has something that keeps them from fully stepping into ownership with their personal finances. Perhaps it is:
A nagging fear that no matter how much you earn there’s never enough
Worry that you haven’t planned well for the future
Spending is out-of-control and although you try to rein it in, you always spend more than you want
I’m Michelle Arpin Begina, and as a financial advisor who has worked with 100s of executives, business owners, and entrepreneurs and I know that...
Feeling Wealthy is an inside job.
So, what gives? Where does the disconnect come in? Conventional wisdom tell us that to get ahead, we need to learn the right strategies— if we “do enough” we will reach financial freedom.
I call bullshit.
The disconnect is thinking that skills are enough. To have a successful relationship, you need to do the inner work to connect the reality of your financial success with your lived experience of it.
Transcend money beliefs.
How do we start to fix it? The first step is to ditch the shame, guilt, hesitation, and fear implicit in our money stories by bringing those beliefs to light and transcending them.
All of us grow up hearing certain money messages.
Do any of these sound familiar?
“Money can’t buy happiness”
Read: “Having money and being truly happy are mutually exclusive.”
“Must be nice.”
Read: “The world is divided up into the haves and the have nots, and real success is reserved for other people.”
“Rich people are greedy.”
Read: “You can’t be wealthy and be a good person at the same time.”
Beliefs like these can become ingrained, and run in a subconscious loop that sabotages our ability as adults to take ownership of our wealth, to enjoy it, and to leverage it for our good, the good of our families, and the greater good.
How I know transcending money beliefs works.
If it sounds like I know a lot about getting past some pretty messed up money beliefs, that’s because I do.
When I was 17, my father told me he didn’t have the money to send me to college. He said it with a shrug as we stood together on the dock of a marina. Over his shoulder, I could see a yacht.
The yacht he bought with my college fund.
My parents’ dysfunctional relationship with money led them to spend recklessly. We might have driven Jaguars and flown a private plane (hard to relate to, I know), but we did it under the constant threat of bounced checks and foreclosure.
Despite the fact that I was broke, that my college fund was spent on a yacht, and had no idea of how it would work out, though I had something special going for me. I saw myself as a college graduate in waiting.
What I had going for me was the mindset that an education could lift me out of my circumstances. I embodied my future self as a way of being, and brought my desired future into existence.
And that is what I help successful women do in their own lives.

And how I know transcending money beliefs will work for you.
What lights me up and gives me purpose is to act as a gateway for successful professional women to access their own insight so that they can take inspired action to realize their boldest ambitions.
Here’s how we can work together to do that:
Discovering your own deeply held money beliefs and learning how to transcend them is a journey of self-discovery. In 1:1 coaching, I’m your guide, sounding board, and support. Together we work answers to (sometimes) challenging questions that help you make sense of your money so that you can reach a more confident, empowered relationship with money.
The answer to closing the gap between how you feel about your money now and the security, confidence, and freedom you’d like to feel isn’t another program telling you how to invest your wealth. Good With Money is a five-week workshop where the investment is in you, and the result is actionable insight you can use to transform your relationship with money.
Ready to create wealth from the inside out?
Good With Money’s Success Formula will help you claim your full financial power and leave behind old patterns, beliefs and stories that are holding you back.
He who influences the thought of his times influences the times that follow.